Monday, September 8, 2014

It's P-Day Again!

We all know how Missionary Mommas feel about P-Day!
It's our favorite day of the week! 

Refresh - Refresh - Refresh - Yay!  An Email!! 
Double Yay!!  There are Pics!!

Missionaries work hard 6 and 1/2 days a week, and then they get a few hours to take care of business and if they are lucky, have a bit of fun on P-Day.  As you can see by the pics, they can get pretty creative with their fun.  We love all the pics - the goofy, the beautiful, the outrageous, and the serious.  Here's another tribute to the best day of the week - P-Day!!


  1. I love to see those missionaries having fun!

  2. Great video! It's always fun to see them having some fun!

  3. Great to see them enjoying themselves on p-day. They work so hard through the week, it's nice to see that they can kick back and have a little fun to recharge.

  4. Love this and all of those who choose to serve and have a little fun doing it!

  5. Loved it!!! Thanks for making this video!

  6. I loved it!! Now if my boys would send pics, so they could be in one!! You did great Heidi!!!

  7. Thank you for continuing to create and share such fun videos. I am eagerly awaiting the second "sister" one...hope I didn't miss it somewhere.

  8. Loved this- it made me laugh. Glad to see they have some fun!

  9. Fun to see the "other" side of missionary work!

  10. Makes me smile to see them having fun and enjoying their missions! Love the video!

  11. Love it! Will be able to start adding photos in a couple of weeks - provided my missionary sends me photos. Haha

  12. Awesome video - hopefully I can start contributing in a couple of weeks.

  13. How much fun was that?? I loved it!! :)

  14. I is a blessing to see that even on P-day they re having a great time.

  15. I love kind of makes me sad to see so many moms get photos, and for me, I don't get many or none at all...I am just hoping that when he comes home, he will have tons to share,so I can make a video of his mission to share!!!

  16. What a great video. Made me smile seeing all our missionaries.
