Sunday, February 8, 2015

Three Day Penny Challenge

Do you remember Elder Zach Jensen's faith-building story? A year ago this Friday, Elder Jensen's accident happened and testimonies grew! Please welcome Elder Jensen's Momma, Laura Jensen as this weeks Guest Blogger! We would like to join with Laura in inviting you to join us in the Three Day Penny Challenge!


Always Remember Your Savior Loves You

While serving in the Arizona Phoenix Mission, Elder Jensen placed a penny in 
his shoe to help him “Always Remember Christ.” While attempting to turn left across 
four lanes of traffic on February 13, 2014, Elder Jensen & Elder Linkogle were T-boned, 
spun 3 times, and then broadsided again on the passenger side by a half-ton pickup
before landing in a ravine. Elder Jensen’s skull fractures produced a blood clot, the size 
of a tennis ball that was increasing in size and placing pressure on his brain. On 
Valentine’s morning, Elder Jensen’s head was shaved and he wished all of the medical 
staff, “Happy Valentine’s Day” on his way to emergency brain surgery to remove the 
blood clot and cauterize the bleeding around his brain. During surgery, Elder Jensen 
received a huge scar in the shape of a “C” with 25 staples. Meanwhile, Elder Linkogle 
recovered from his concussion and memory loss, and was released from the hospital on 
Valentine’s Day.

Missionary work took place for six days in Elder Jensen’s ICU room. Elder 
Jensen shared the gospel with every nurse and every hospital staff member that he 
came in contact with. “I was still a missionary in ICU and invited all of the medical staff 
to go to and learn more about our faith. Even a couple of them seemed 
really interested. So I am glad to say that I used my time the ‘best’ that I could in 
sharing the gospel while in ICU.” Elder Jensen’s ICU room became a spiritual and 
sacred haven with angels attending. “Anyone that comes by and visits can feel the 
presence of angels that are in my room.” Marcy Black, a member that visited Elder 
Jensen often shared, “If they don’t let Elder Jensen go home soon, he will convert the 
hospital. We took our 18 year old daughter to visit Elder Jensen and she couldn’t stop 
talking about the feeling in his ICU room.”

As Elder Jensen was preparing to leave the hospital, he discovered that his “Always
Remember” penny was still in his shoe!! This same penny had made it through his 
accident, through the ride in the ambulance, through the ER, and through his six days in the ICU.
Elder Jensen will “Always Remember” that he was never alone on that February night. 
He will “Always Remember” that angels were protecting and watching over him, that his 
Heavenly Father loves him deeply and knows him personally, and is involved in the 
details of Elder Jensen’s life. By “Always Remembering Him,” Elder Jensen was blessed 
with power to do hard things. “

This picture of Elder Jensen's shoe was taken 4 months after Elder Jensen's accident,
I LOVE that his shoe is so worn, dirty, & cracked
from the missionary work that he was blessed to continue to do.

“I am so thankful for this accident, because it has helped me become more converted 
to Him and His gospel. I have learned that we need to treat every day like it is our last 
and truly cherish the gospel. It is through the knowledge I have of the gospel of Jesus 
Christ that I was able to have peace and comfort through this trial in my life. Always 
have hope, no fear, and no doubt, and I promise through this gospel that miracles will 
happen in your life.” -Elder Zach Jensen

Three Day Penny Challenge of “Always Remembering Christ”
Beginning on February 13th, please invite your friends and family to place a 
penny in their shoe to remind us all to “Always Remember Him.”
Elder D. Todd Christofferson explains, “To ‘Always Remember Him’ means 
that we do not live our lives in fear. Challenges, disappointments, and 
sorrows will come to each of us in different ways. In the end, because of 
our divine Advocate, all things can be made to work together for our good.”

What do you do to remember the Savior always?

How has remembering Him blessed your life?

Elder Jensen’s story is full of miracles, tender mercies, love, service, faith, priesthood 
blessings, and the blessing of missionary opportunities. To read more go to 


  1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!! Thanks you so much for sharing. I accept your challenge for the 13th and will invite others to join with us. <3 <3 <3

  2. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!! Thanks you so much for sharing. I accept your challenge for the 13th and will invite others to join with us. <3 <3 <3

  3. What a good example for all of us!

  4. I've got mine in my you??? Thanks Laura for sharing your amazing story!!

  5. What a beautiful story of faith, love of Christ and the Gospel, and Gratitude. And a beautiful way to remember him in our lives. THANKS for sharing this faith building story.
