Monday, February 23, 2015

Onward Christian Soldiers

I've been working hard to get into shape. I am hoping to be able to walk/jog the 5K at the LDS Missionary Expo in April! A dear MM friend and Sista, Melody Levine and her beautiful daughter Kendal, will be there sweat'n it out with me! You can read Kendal's amazing story and get updates on her progress on the Facebook Page that Melody has put together, Prayers for Sister Kendal Levine. Come join in the fun and get healthy too! You will know us... we will be the Mommas in the "Mommas Hastening the Work" T-shirts! You can participate wherever you are!!! Let us know if you'd like to head up a MM team in your area!

Available at the MM Mall

On April 25th, put on a pink tee (or you can get one of ours from the MM Mall) and sander, walk, jog, dance or run with us!!! You can go as far as you'd like at a pace that is comfortable for you. They will have 1K - 3K - 5K options at the Expo. OR, come cheer for the MM Team! You can join in the fun and stay updated on on the Mommas Hastening the Work Page!

We are Missionary Mommas... a force to be reckoned with! We have sons and daughters who work hard to serve the Lord. The Missionary Handbook instructs missionaries to "Arise, pray, exercise (30 minutes), and prepare for the day." I think this is good advice for anyone... even us Mommas!

~Heidi =0)

Check out how creative these missionaries are when it comes to their exercise!


  1. So clever! What creative ideas! Fun!

  2. love the peppy music and the creative exercise! :)

  3. Great job! Love to see our missionaries and the lengths they go to in order to exercise.

  4. Love to see all the missionaries all around the world.

  5. Awesome. Love our missionaries. I have two right now. So proud

  6. Awesome. So proud of all our missionaries. I am lucky enough to have 2 out in the field right now

  7. I am hooked on these videos! You do such a great job Heidi.

  8. They are such inspiration! Especially if they walk most days AND do their 30 min exercise.
